1. Acknowledgement
2. Preface by R S Gaunt
3. Introduction
4. Appreciation and Comments
5. Lessons
L1: Positional Status of a Planet
L2: Application of Positional Status
L3: Stellar Status of a Planet
L4: Behaviour of Rahu and Ketu
L5: Rahu or Ketu as Star Lord of a Planet
L6: Role of Sub lord of a Planet
L7: Rahu or Ketu as Sub lord of a Planet
L8: Study of a cusp—its philosophy, promise
L9 Rahu or Ketu as SS of a cusp
L10 Vimsottari Dasa System –its application
L11 Transit and its Application
L12 Rahu and Ketu as Dasa Period Lords
L13 Birth Time Rectification
L14 Timing Future events
L15 Case Studies
6. Answers:
L1 toL13
7. Appendix A- Concept of Zero Longevity
8. Appendix B-Primary and Supporting Cusps
9. Appendix C- Sub-Sub Tables